Sunday, 23 June 2013

Get it Right folks, you'll be amazed when you do!!

Dressing Those Eyes To Perfection!
People don't realize the importance of getting the right pair of shades to suit your face. Sure I didn't until I started browsing  for sunglasses on Asos Marketplace and I came across a lady modeling 100's of pairs of sun glasses. I looked at how each pair enhanced or detracted from her features and to say I was amazed is an understatement! In some photos her face shape looked so rounded and unflattering and in others it it was slim and perfectly shaped by the glasses. Here are some examples.



Notice how the second pair frame her face perfectly. This is because she naturally has a heart shaped face so the round work against it and the the glasses which emulate the shape of a heart enhance her cheekbones. AMAZING! 


                            WRONG X


This lady has a more square shaped face, you can see here that actually wearing a more square shaped pair of glasses actually works against her. The more rounded  edge ones completely flatter her face giving her a slimmer and shapely face!!

What I would advise is to go shopping for glasses with a friend. Get them to take a photo of every pair  you try on and then go home and make a more educated decision. I don't know about you, but I can never tell by looking in the mirror. The tinted glasses distract me :-)
Anyway , I'm on the hunt for more examples so I can give pointers for every face shape. See you back here soon!